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Type of Art (2021)

展覽《浮世》以雕塑拼貼的方式展現對日常生活中負空間的思考,探索物件在既定語境外,其他詮釋的可能。透過倒模,結合水泥、石膏等原材料與不同的城市廢棄物如報紙、鞋跟、過期雞蛋、塑膠飯盒,將物件抽離慣性的擺設邏輯,延展 不同材質的能動性,在轉換其形態及重組的過程中,呈現過往經常被忽視的細節,藉此挑戰城市風景的常規。並置看似毫無關聯的事物,在隨意的幾何形態中,感受力的抗衡與協調,重新發現與體認事物的本質,或其異質。

Inspiring by the British sculptor Richard Wentworth, this exhibition uses sculptural collage to expand the interpretations of daily objects and the negative space around them. Through moulding, the cement, plaster and other raw materials with different urban wastes such as newspapers, expired eggs, and plastic lunch boxes are combined and transformed into new assemblages, subverting their original functions and extending their mobility for questioning the conventional object placement in urban landscape.

 The juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated things, in spontaneous geometric forms, provides opportunities for us to recognise the

neglected details in daily routine and rediscover the essence of things, or difference.

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